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DayNoter creates a new Evernote note from template every time you plan a new event in your Calendar.
Your meeting notes and details are always kept in sync between Calendar and Evernote, so you can see your latests changes in both of them.
Tag notes and search for a content you need easily with awesome tools provided by Evernote.
DayNoter seamlessly integrates Evernote and Google Calendar. There is no need in new apps - you just continue using apps you are used to in your workflow.
No credit card required.
geek brain
marketing genie
chief inspiration officer
geek brain
marketing genie
chief inspiration officer
I always make notes when I have a meeting. I write down important details and ideas, plans of actions and proposals. It helps me later - in keeping track of my ongoing projects, following up with my partners. It helps me remember important pieces of information.
One day I was looking for a tool that would allow me synchronize my Google Calendar and Evernote account, where I keep my meeting notes. I wanted to be able to see my notes in Calendar and have my meeting details like time, place or participants in Evernote. Well… I couldn't find one.
I shared my concern with Alexandr and Julia, and we decided to fix it. That's how DayNoter was born.